Policies, Safeguarding and Code of Behaviours

Child Safeguarding Statement

Name of service being provided:

Kilkenny Juvenile Fight Club

Name of services and principles to safeguard children from harm:

Kilkenny Juvenile Fight Club is a children’s kickboxing and self-defence club for young people between the ages of six to sixteen. While the coaches have been working with children since 2015, the club began in 2020 and is operated by volunteers who are passionate about promoting kickboxing for and with children in a positive learning environment.

The club is a voluntary organisation and runs completely on a voluntary basis, with 100% of the funds used to cover costs, keeping costs at a minimum for members.

The club grades twice per year and competes in tournaments. However, there is no pressure on children to spar or compete. We encourage members to participate at their own level as we work to improve their fitness, skills and confidence.

The club promotes the safety and welfare of children by encouraging them to participate in a child-friendly environment at their own pace.

There is a dedication to safe practice and volunteer recruitment includes vetting and training in child safeguarding.


Code of Behaviour for Children/Young People

Thank you for choosing to become involved in the Kilkenny Juvenile Kickboxing Club. In order that you will enjoy, benefit from, and feel safe while participating in the activities of the club please:

Be nice to others and treat everyone with kindness.

Do not hurt anybody by what you say.

Follow the rules of the club.

Listen to the coaches and follow their training instructions.

Arrive on time.

Respect the training equipment and return after use.

Do not use a phone while in training or during club activities.

Talk to the person in charge if you have a problem; don’t keep it to yourself.

If you have any worries about your club activity, please speak to your Parent/Guardian/Club Coach.


Code of Behaviour for KJFC Coaches and Volunteers

It is important for all coaches and volunteers of the Kilkenny Juvenile Kickboxing Club to:

Treat all children/young people equally and with respect and dignity.

Model positive, appropriate behaviour to all children/young people we come into contact with.

Promote the benefits of Kickboxing and use it to build children/young person’s fitness and confidence.

Be aware of the Club’s child safeguarding statement and child safeguarding policy.

Report abuse concerns to TUSLA or the club’s Designated Liaison Person (DLP).

Develop a culture of openness, honesty, and safety.

Develop a culture where children/young people can talk about any concerns or worries they may have.

Respect each child/young person’s boundaries and support them to develop their own understanding and sense of their rights.

Be aware of their responsibility for the safety of all children/young people in their care.

Work in an open environment.

Help children to know what they can do if they have a problem.


Coaches and volunteers must never:

Hit or otherwise physically assault or abuse children/young people.

Develop relationships with children/young people that could in any way be deemed exploitative or abusive.

Act in any way that may be abusive or place a child/young person at risk of abuse.

Use language, make suggestions, or offer inappropriate, offensive or abusive advice.

Do things for a child of a personal nature that they can do for themselves.

Condone or participate in behaviour that is illegal, unsafe, or abusive.

Act in any way intended to intimidate, shame, humiliate, belittle, or degrade.

Engage in discriminatory behaviour or language in relation to race, culture, age, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation or political views.

Consume alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs while being responsible for the club’s children/young people.
